Concerning the church life in Gazipur Konabari, Bangladesh

Dear Bro. and Sis.

Thanks for all of your intercessions in one Spirit for the Lord’s move in Bangladesh.

Today we want to share what we experienced concerning the church life in Gazipur Konabari.

First of all, we do feel that we are so blessed people, even this is a in a Muslim country, but we really saw how faster The Lord’s move is going on here, also we saw how thirsty the human soul here.

The church life in Gazipur Konabari began with a serving brother, his name is B, in English means victory. Brother B is a painter, about one year ago, by the contacting of the saints in Dhaka, he’s joined in the church life in Dhaka. Gazipur Konabari is a small town and it’s about one and half hours’ driving far away from Dhaka without traffic jam. But brother B insisted to attend the Lord’s Table meeting on Friday at least once in each Month. When he prophesied according the , his strong spirit is very touching.

During Nov. and Dec., we visited there three times, especially on 24th Nov, 6 saints from FTTS and brother F who is serving in FTTS, went together with us to strengthen the saints in Gazipur Konabari. When we had meeting there, we met 2 leaders of christian group in that village. They told us there are 300 Christians around that area, some years ago they together departed from each different denomination, and formed their own local independent church. In the meeting, after brothers shared the truth concerning gospel & church, after knowing that we are not any denomination but to recovery the proper truth & practice according to the bible, the group leader said, they really enjoyed the preaching from brothers, they only want to practice according to the bible, that’s why they don’t want join in any other denomination. Praise the Lord for His preparation for His move.

Urgent Need for Intercession:
From last month until now, the political situation in Bangladesh is very bad, almost three weeks the opposition party has held hartal and blockade throughout the whole country, the number of dead people are increasing daily, because people’s striking and attacking the public transportation by hand-made bomb. For this reason, the Lord’s table meeting in sisters’ house already stopped for three weeks. We do believe that our Lord wants to bring down His administration to this ruinous country through the full-grown corporate man.

1 Please pray for the safety of all the saints in this country.
2 Pray for the saints practicing church life in Gazipur-Konabari.

May The Lord lead all the saints to enter into the fourth stage of experience of life for the spiritual warfare.