Praise the Lord for His move in Zambia.
This is a report about gospel move in campus of Zambia. We have a gospel move of one week from 13th to 18th October. Everyday we preach the gospel in campus with the Mystery of human life.
We contacted many students in campus and got 60 numbers. Then we are contacting them again. The situation is:
Some students we already lost; now, we have met 4 sisters and invited them to enjoy the loving feast and fellowship. Other students we keep contacting them through phone. May the Lord capture them and make them useful vessels for His move in this country.
Concerning the youth meeting on Saturday in Linda, Because of the saints enjoyed the Sunday meeting messages very much. They invite their friends and relatives to join our Saturday youth meeting. Praise the Lord! There are about 13 young people. We hope our Lord gain these young people.