About 76 saints in the southern African country of Zambia.

Zambia, Zimbabwe, and
There are approximately 76 saints in the southern
African country of Zambia. Some of the saints presently in
Zambia first touched the Lord’s recovery through the
visitation of a few burdened brothers from England who
visited a contact in Lusaka. Through this encounter, the
Lord had a way to distribute some ministry material which
attracted a number of seekers. While the saints in Zambia
have passed through quite a bit of opposition, these dear
ones have endeavored to be faithful to what they have seen
through the New Testament ministry. There is much burden
in the Lord’s heart to raise up a lampstand in Lusaka, the
capital of Zambia.
To the south of Zambia is the nation of Zimbabwe. The
Lord used the visitation of two brothers in 2005, to begin
again His recovery work in Zimbabwe. Presently, a graduate
of the full-time training in London, who is originally from
Zimbabwe, is living in Harare and endeavoring to practice
the church life with his family and another brother who also
touched the church life in England and who has returned to
work in Harare, the capital city.
In Malawi, the Lord has been sowing the kingdom seed
through the radio broadcast of the ministry and the periodic
visitation of a coworker accompanied by other burdened
brothers. While the radio broadcast has ceased for a number
of years, there remains a number of open and seeking
contacts in Malawi. There is a great need in all these places.
May the Lord of the harvest thrust out workers into His

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