








11月11日很多宿霧的弟兄們前往博戈、聖雷米希奧(San R em egio)和麥德林(Medellin)了解


(B anayan)。目前仍然有幾位宿霧弟兄留在博戈,協助當地的聖徒。我們目前也開始將米和

食品供给運送到同樣受颱風嚴重侵襲的萊特島(Leyte)和薩馬島(Sam ar)的地區。宿霧市召會



至 11月13日,宿霧北部估計有120個聖徒家庭受災,薩馬島和萊特島約有130個聖徒的家



1) 為著菲國政府和所有受影響地區的地方政府,包括菲律賓中部維薩亞(Visayas)及菲律賓



2) 為著電力和通訊能夠儘快恢復。

3) 為著聖徒們的平安(由於電力,網路和電信服務中斷,我們無法確定聖徒們的所在之處和


4) 為著受影響地區的同工、長老和聖徒,使他們在調和的靈的引導下得著辨識,能以作出




同時,關於救援工作最新消息,可由以下網站索取 www.inquirer.net

A) 食品供给及救援物资,請寄到以下地址:

The Church in Cebu City Meeting Hall

135 Sikatuna St., Cebu City, Cebu 6000,

Update Regarding the Saints in the Affected Areas by Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) in the Philippines

Right after the super typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) passed by Eastern Visayas Region last Friday (Nov. 8), the brothers from Cebu tried calling some of the saints in the neighboring provinces. However, there was total power and communications blackout. The brothers tried again the next day, but still had no communications. On the third day, a sister from Bogo (a province in Northern Cebu) went to the south to find a network signal and called up her husband who is in Tagbilaran, Bohol. She told him that the saints in Bogo ran out of food supplies because they were severely hit by the typhoon. Upon fellowship, the brothers immediately dispatched 100 sacks of rice, some canned goods and bottled water and delivered them to Bogo on that same day (Nov 10). Many saints had lost their roofs; and some lost their entire houses.
On Nov. 11, many brothers from Cebu City went to see the situation of the saints in Bogo, San Remegio and Medellin. That day they were still unable to go to Banayan Island across Bogo because the ferry boats still refused to travel due to the high waves. A few brothers from Cebu City are still staying in Bogo to help the saints there. Currently we have also started to ship out sacks of rice and food supplies to some parts in Leyte and Samar (two other islands badly hit by the typhoon). In the coming days, the Church in Cebu City will again send sacks of rice, canned goods, water and some wood lumbers and used plywoods to Bogo.
As of Nov 13, it is estimated about 120 families of the saints are affected in Northern Cebu and about 130 families in Samar and Leyte. Some areas with no communications are still not known.
May we continue to pray:

1) for the saints in the affected areas and especially for those in areas with no communications, are protected, strengthened and preserved by the Lord,

2) the national government and local government (of all the affected areas in central Philippines (Visayan region), parts of western Philippines in Palawan), to work effectively together (it has been a slow process of clearing away the debris, clearing the infrastructures affected so that food aid and relief goods, medicine, humanitarian related services can reach the citizenry most affected by the super typhoon),

3) that electrical power and communication lines be restored soonest,

4) for our saints and their welfare (we are having a hard time confirming their whereabouts and their condition due to break down of power and communication lines both land line and cellular),

5) for the coworkers, elders and saints in all the affected areas to gain the discernment to act wisely and decisively under the leading of the mingled spirit.

May the God of peace work Himself into this outwardly dark and dreadful situation of death and sufferings and for the manifestation of His resurrection life throughout the Philippines.

In the meantime, updates regarding the rescue efforts can be obtained from www.inquirer.net

A. For Food Supplies & Relief Goods, please send to:
The Church in Cebu City Meeting Hall
135 Sikatuna St., Cebu City, Cebu 6000,

B. For PESO Offerings, please online deposit to:
BDO Magallanes St corner Plaridel St, Cebu City Branch
SA#00077-00974-72 under the name:
The Church in Cebu Inc.

C. For DOLLAR Offerings, please send Telegraphic Transfer to:
BDO Magallanes St corner Plaridel St, Cebu City Branch, Philippines
Beneficiary Account Name: The Church in Cebu Inc.

To confirm receipt of your offerings & aids, you may contact any of the brothers below:
1. Bro Winston Sy  (+63)-917-322-5325
2. Bro Alan Tiu  (+63)-917-622-0917
3. Bro Richard Juan  (+63)-917-622-4567

4. Bro Hoover Chua  (+63)-917-322-0425

The serving ones at LME
