关于移民的见证 – 柯林斯堡 (Fort Collins, CO)

Campus Team Report

There are a total of 30 students under our shepherding care.  10 of those students are church kids and 20 are new students.  One important component of the work is the building up of a small nucleus of the students.  Seven of the students have begun to regularly come together to coordinate.  From these times, they are learning precious lessons on how to coordination in the spirit, deny the self and pick a burden for the work on the campus.  This semester the students took the lead to take care of the gospel events in the beginning of this semester, they planned a progressive dinner and also a spring break trip.  It is also encouraging to observe that they use part of their coordination time to pray for friends and classmates. More


  • Lord’s Table – Lord’s Day at 10am (First table of month held in Denver. http://www.churchindenver.org)
    • 1001 E Stuart St, Fort Collins, CO 80525
  • Prayer Meeting – Tuesday at 7pm
    • 1001 E Stuart St, Fort Collins, CO 80525
  • Home Meetings and Small Group Bible Studies
    • Various times and locations – Contact Us for more information

Video on Youtube:

The Church in Fort Collins, CO – Testimonies Concerning Migration
