Update of the saints in Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦

The saints in Uzbekistan seem to experience the life of resurrection in their church life. Although they just passed through the difficulty with a brother and their restriction form the government is getting worse, they nevertheless are enjoying the church life. They gather in about 15 homes with 4~6 people at each home to have Lord’s table meeting and group meetings. They also have some bigger meetings with more people together. But in order to do that they need to pick someone’s birthday to meet to hide their Christian meeting status. They told us that there are about 65 saints meeting in this way in the church in Tashkent. That is the biggest number they ever have in the church in Tashkent.

This time 28 saints came from UZ representing 4 cities. One of them is Samarqand. The meeting in Samarqand was once stopped due to some negative situation. But now the saints are meeting again. Praise the Lord.


For more pictures and video, please go to FB search for ” David Chang”