First Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria (11-13 Oct). Praise the Lord! Many believers attend, from different cultural and spiritual backgrounds. Please pray for that the Lord would gain and establish some real seeking ones for His move in Bulgaria, and for the raising up of the Lord’s testimony in Sofia!
Fellowship from the brother who went to Bulgaria for the conference:
I just returned from there after eight days in that country. Five days in Sofia and three days in Batheridge on the border with Macedonia.
Every day we were gathered together with the local saints. First two days, we met in some Gypsy brother R’s home with the Gypsy saints where we fellowshipped about the church, the saints, pray reading the word, calling on the name of the Lord. These were all new to them even they were well versed in Watchman Nee and told us that they had read the book, the Glorious Church.
The conference began on Saturday morning by brother J C of Medrid on the Genesis Crystallization Study Week one. He and brother P. C of London combined for three and brother Paul finished on week four. J made clear that the Lord’s recovery is based on the brooding Spirit, Word spoken by God and Light spoken forth by the word. The Conference finished on the Lord’s Day morning. In the afternoon the saints went to the City Center to distribute the Basic Element of Christian Life in Bulgaria.
The saints from Athens, R.J and S, C. P. and his wife, prepared the Outlines and twenty hymns in Bulgaria for the conference. They also provided all the ministry of the service for the conference. Besides brother P. C came from UK. Brother D and Darlina came from Edinborough. Brother T. S and seven brothers came from Romania.
Local saints attended numbered fifty to seventy, half are Gypsies. The leading four brothers, M, R, T and R all stood up prayed for Bulgaria. The lack of ministry RV and books are a handicap. We prayed for the urgent translation and distribution of ministry publications to Bulgarian.
The brother A and his wife of Batheridge drove me and Br. G and Sr. H and to Batheridge which is about 2 and half hours or one hundred twenty miles west of Sofia. There in the evening we had a home meeting in Br. G’s house, a compound of three floors occupied by four relatives of Br. G. Several lovers of God gathered and enjoyed speaking of the hymns and the full revelation of the church and Christ in us the hope of glory!
Tuesday Br. G’s friend B drove us across the border to Macedonia to visit the city of Philipii, which was two and half hour drive from Batheridge, and the prison where Paul and Silas were imprisoned and their singing brought in the earthquake and the saving of the Jailer. We also stopped by the river where Lydia met Paul and was baptized. The river now is called Santa Lydia but the water is only ankle deep. In the afternoon we stopped by Greece coast to the MIdterainean Sea facing the heel of Italy where in Roman Empire Days in the first century was called Dementia where 1 Tim 4:12 says, that Titus went after he left Paul.
Br. G and his friend also went in the Sea for a swim and hunted the scrids. The place was obviously their stumping ground in their youth days. The place today was deserted because of the Greek financial crisis.
Then Br. G’s parents sent us with his car driven by Br. G’s cousin back to Sofia. We stayed in brother M’s house overnight and returned to Chicago next day morning on Wednesday.
Bulgaria is widely opened. Four brothers may attend one week short term training in FTTL soon. There is an offering for their going there. The urgent need is blending and ministry literature in Bulgarian and the ministry.
I will have a detailed report to follow later. Please also keep me posted as to the work that the Lord has entrusted you.
Pray for the Lord’s move in Bulgaria and over the whole earth,
J. T. C. K
The raising up of the Lord’s testimony in major cities in Europe including Lisbon, Portugal; Krakow, Poland; Budapest, Hungary; Vienna, Austria; Sofia, Bulgaria; Thessaloniki, Greece; Zagreb, Croatia; Belgrade, Serbia; Geneva, Switzerland; Bilbao, Spain; and Hamburg, Frankfurt, and Munich, Germany .
Pray for the raising up of the Lord’s testimony in these key European cities.