瑞典 Life-study of the Bible radio broadcasts in Sweden

The radio broadcast of the English Life-study of the Bible with Witness Lee started in Sweden in December 2012 on Premier Radio. This UK-based Christian radio station now has a local branch in Sweden covering one to two million people in six cities. The listeners are offered a free copy of the English Recovery Version of the New Testament. We have already received a few orders, and a number of the recipients have expressed an interest in attending a seminar in Stockholm. We expect the response to increase as time goes by and as more people learn about the broadcast.

Life-study of the Bible radio broadcasts in Sweden

  • Please pray that the English-language Life-study of the Bible radio broadcast in Sweden will attract the genuine seekers to the New Testament ministry and to the church life in the Lord’s recovery.
Do you live in Sweden? You can get your Free Christian Literature – free books in your own language and attend some Christian meetings to enjoy more these wonderful books! Check out their Facebook fan page and spread the good news!

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