
2013年秋季新学期主的福音行动在UCSD校园如火如荼地开展。今年因着弟兄姊妹的迫切祷告,主大大地祝福了UCSD这个校园。San Diego会所从八月底开始接待刚从国内新来的本科生、研究生和访问学者,为他们提供接机服务和短期住宿,并帮助他们熟悉周围的环境、带他们去买家具和生活用品。到今天为止,我们接待的学生学者已经达到70位,接触过的学生达到100位。借着主丰富的供应,San Diego的弟兄姊妹大大扩增了自己的度量,家家打开事奉,接待一批又一批的新生,参与服事的有24个家共55位圣徒,使得接触的人数从去年的30多人增加到了今年的70人。到今天为止,我们接触的新生里面已经有10位受浸归入主名。我们为着这些新受浸的弟兄姊妹感谢主!愿主加力给我们,祝福我们后期对他们的牧养和活力排的操练,使受浸成为他们属灵生活的美好的开始,使他们都建造成为在主里尽功用的肢体;也愿主更多祝福余下未受浸的90位福音朋友,开他们的心,让更多的新生受浸归入主名!

9/28/2013 周六福音聚会

周六,我们在San Diego会所举行了UCSD校园新学期的福音聚会。除了San Deigo的弟兄姊妹和UCSD的新生福音朋友,还有50位来自Riverside,San Bernadino和30位来自洛杉矶的弟兄姊妹和福音朋友们来与我们相调。来聚会和服事的弟兄姊妹和福音朋友人数达到250人,为着这样的相调我们感谢主!



昨天晚上,在圣地亚哥的福音聚会中,10位圣徒受浸归入主名!  有来自UCLA/SMC,UCR和UCSD的200多位圣徒们和福音朋友有份于这次的福音相调。

The gospel meeting was from 7:30-8:30pm. 2 saints from UCLA, 2 from UCR, 2 young couples from UCSD gave fresh testimonies. At the end, 2 brothers concluded and drew the net. 8 students stood up and walked to the front to pray individually and receive the Lord and were baptized.

During the baptism, we encouraged the saints to continue to share with the new ones in small groups.

1. Preparation/prayer beforehand is crucial. Vital groups are a necessity to contain the blessings, not only for those who will be baptized, but also for the others. Much labor was already invested into the initial contact, including airport pickup, temporary lodging, etc. Just like sending a satellite to the orbit, 90% of the fuel has already been consumed to move the satellite out of the earth atmosphere. However, the rest 10% is more crucial to send the satellite to its orbit. Vital groups constitute this 10%. The formation and initial practice of the vital groups is necessary before the gospel event. The training in the home is the most practical way to practice the vital groups.