丹麥 Lord’s move at the Church in Denmark

I am gratuated from FTTT 09 and have been in Denmark for many years. I get married with a Dane at 2002.We live in a town which takes about 40 min. by train to Copenhagen (CPH). There are 2 Romanian families live in Copenhagen. Br. Steffan and sr. Camelia R. They turned to Recovery in Rumanian for maybe 7-8 years ago. It’s the Lord that they came to Denmark. They have 5 children and 2 grandchildren, a big family with 11 people at all. Both Steffan and Camelia are close to 50 years old. They have been in DK about 4-5 years now and just lost their job in December and now try to find job again. They work hard, but know they are here because of Lord’s expression in Copenhagen.
They live very close to the airport and it’s easy with transport to come to their apartment. So we usually gather together in their home when we have meeting. And because the transport is quite expansive in DK, so usually is that I go to visit them in CPH.
The other couple is a young couple. Dam and Ioana. They just came to DK for one month ago. They have burden for Denmark and talked with family Robu, then they come. Br. Dam tried already to find job in Copenhagen from Romanian without succuss. They are trying still. They try also apply for study Master degree at the same time. Just want to find a way to stay. Dam is about 30 and Ioana is about 25.
There are some single sisters in CPH. One from Malaysia for study Ph.D, Henna, she has 1½ year back. One from Phillipiens, Djerane, works as babysitter and stay with a Danish family. And Melody from Taiwan who study Mester degree in Lund, south Sweden, very close to CPH. She is going to finish her study this June and goes back to Taiwan.
Br. Kasper who is a Dane, his wife Kris from Africa, a sister in the Lord as well. They are in another church, but Kasper’s best friend got saved in Recovery in Newzland and sent him some books and got contact with brothers in Sweden. Kasper enjoys the books very much.
Saints in Stockholm, Sweden started to visit us since September 2010 every 2-3 month. The first time 3 brothers and 1 sister. Kasper came to this meeting. He said: I feel that I have to come. Now Kasper and Kris have home meeting every Wednesday with some believers and invite me to come. He and his best friend have decided that they want to practice the church which they read in the books. His best friend will finish his study in Newzland within 2 years and come back to DK.
We have been enjoyed the Lord together with Kasper and the brothers twice now, every time is more than 5 hours that we are singing, praying and have fellowship about the truth and of course eating meals together!
Under the Lord’s arrangement that I met some saints in Farum, CPH. They are saints from the church life before in CPH. They don’t have contact with saints in Stockholm anymore. I don’t know what happened that time in 80’s. That’s a big damage for church life in Europe as I can see. The oldest brother Henning Andersen is 80 now. Then there are 2 more couples (around 60) and their children. Henning and these 2 couples are relatives. Since the damage, they didn’t try to fellow any side. They just keep the meeting by themselves, as they told me. They still use Recovery version bible and the hymns which translated to Danish. I borrow one hymn book from them and try to type them in computer. They told me that it’s also about time to do this.
Brothers from Stockholm know them for long time ago, so when they decided to come and asked us to invite the saints in Farum also. Henning and one brother came to this meeting and had a very good fellowship together. Through the saints in Farum that I got to know there are about 20-30 saints in a town called Geve, on the half island part of Denmark. And sister Rie who has been in Taiwan under Br.Lee’s training lives also on the half island, but another town. I met sister Rie together with Camelia, when she came to visit saints in Farum. And I went to a camping on the half island, met the saints there together with some saints in Farum. I realized that saints on the half island are relatives as well to themselves. They have some contacts with some saints in Hamburg, German. But I don’t know if this is from the against group. They invited me to come again this June for the camping.
We don’t know what the Lord will/like to do about this situation. We just be open to them and keep contact with them so far.
On the half island, there is one Danish sister Lisbet Djurhuus, who has listening to the broadcasting from the ministry by internet for at least 8 years. She contacted ministry in Anahalm and got my email then we started to have contact with each other. She has been in Stockholm with me to the Scandinavia conference and joined the meeting sometimes in CPH if she is here.
There are 2 seeking one on the half island also. Saints in Stockholm have contacts with them and they are reading Rema books. Last time the brothers from Stockholm came, one of them wants to be baptized, but we had heavy snow over the half island, so he couldn’t come.
We do need more people here in DK for practice the normal church life and support each other!
May the Lord gain and gather His people together to express Him self! Praise Him!

They live very close to the airport and it’s easy with transport to come to their apartment. So we usually gather together in their home when we have meeting. And because the transport is quite expansive in DK, so usually is that I go to visit them in CPH.  全文