Please pray for Zamboanga, Philippine

Please include the safety of the saints in Zamboanga in your prayers.
Just talked to brother Boy Daguman for the second time. Most of the saints from the affected areas are in the largest evacuation center. Some are in the meeting halls. The PTO propagation team of 15 saints were withdrawn from their respective areas of propagation and are all in the meeting hall for now. They are scheduled to be in Zamboanga until October 23. The saints were encouraged to have the prayers meeting in their respective homes. Brother Rolly and family were able to leave town yesterday. Johnny and family happens to be in Manila except Beryl. Wilson Miranda’s place is closest to where the rebels are holed up. Corazon’s place is at a distance from the center of military action. Praise the Lord there were no saints among the hostages. But the hostages are being tied together as human shield. May the Lord protect them. The military were able to take out some of the rebels and captured a few who tried to escape. The President is using a strong stand and a strong hand in dealing with the rebels. May this turn out to be good for the spreading of the gospel and God’s economy. May the Zamboanginians hearts be soften and open to the Lord and His dispensing. May the Lord gain more ground in Zamboanga City and the surrounding towns for Himself and His testimony and His kingdom.