Christians on Campus at Cal State Long Beach

*****Welcome Dinner at Sept 6, 2013**********
Christians on Campus has been a registered CSULB student organization since 1979. We are believers in Christ (John 3:16) from diverse backgrounds (Col. 3:10-11) who love our dear Lord Jesus (1 Pet. 1:8) and hold the Christian faith which is common to all.
Christians on Campus stands on the following truths:

– The Bible is the complete divine revelation inspired word-by-word by God through the Holy Spirit (2 Pet. 1:21; 2 Tim. 3:16).

– God is uniquely one, yet triune–the Father, the Son, and the Spirit (1 Tim. 2:5a; Matt. 28:19).The Son of God, even God Himself, was incarnated to be a man by the name of Jesus Christ (John 1:1, 14)….