Christians on Campus at University of Florida

    This semester we are going over the Gospel of Mark. Come late or leave early, but come ready to read His word! “And the Spirit and the bride say, Come! And let him who is thirsty come; let him who wills take the water of life freely.” Revelation 22:17
    Location: Reitz Union, Room 364
    When: Every Monday
    Time: 5:00 PM

    We will be getting together to enjoy the Lord together and welcome the new freshmen.
    Location: Reitz Union, Matthew’s Suite (4th floor)
    When: August 18th, 2013
    Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 noon
    Other: Refreshments provided
    What to bring: Bible

    We also gather every Sunday morning with the Church in Gainesville to partake of the bread and wine to remember the Lord together.
    Location: Reitz Union, Room 349
    Time: 10:00 AM

    Several local families have opened their homes to help shepherd the students. We meet in 3 or more groups to avoid having people get lost in the crowd. These times of open fellowship involving students and people from the community have been very encouraging for everyone. If you are interested in joining us for this time, please email us at for further information.
    Location: Various homes
    Time: 6:30 – 9:30p.m.
    We will be hosting various activities off campus during the weekends. We hope that some of you can join us for food, fun and fellowship!
    Dates and Times: TBA
    The purpose of these conferences is to enjoy Christ in His Word in an environment that is free from busy schedules, anxieties of school, and other distractions. Often the Lord would take His disciples to a deserted place or a mountaintop far away from the crowds in order to unveil something deep and precious regarding God’s eternal purpose (e.g. Matt. 17:1). At the conferences, we give the Lord a whole weekend to speak a personal and life-giving word to each one of us. If you would like more detailed information about these conferences please email us at
shared The Church in Ontario‘s photo.