主在荷蘭的行動 — 1999 年的 Leiden 召會是荷蘭第一個召會

在主恢復的歷史裏,設立於 1999 年的 Leiden 召會是荷蘭第一個召會。在初期的召會生活裏,聖徒是藉著水流報的訂閱接觸主的恢復,而且離開了他們所在的公會背景。之後,藉著各樣書報的發放及特會的舉辦,使荷蘭召會在十年間繁增至 Ter Aar,Vlaardingen,Almelo,Spakenburg,及 Delft 等地共五處召會。含兒童約有 200 位聖徒,百分之九十是荷蘭本地人。



荷蘭(Holland)正式的國名全名是Koninkrijk-der Nederlanden,翻成英文即是Kingdomof Netherlands。尼德蘭(theNetherlands),意指低地國,典故來自於荷蘭有約三分之一的國土低於海平面。荷蘭的人口約一千六百萬人,面積約四萬一千五百平方公里(約四分之五個台灣大),為歐洲國家中人口密度最高的國家。官方語言為荷蘭語,但大部分的荷蘭人都可以講一口流利的英語。


16世紀的荷蘭,仍隸屬於西班牙統治,由於農工商興盛,加上印刷術發達,聖經各種版本和相關書籍大量出版發行,所以路德派、瓦勒度派、門諾派、共同生活弟兄會、神秘主義、人文主義和喀爾文等新教各派都在這裡得到發展。 1572年,荷蘭開始獨立運動,喀爾文教派在荷蘭逐漸取得絕對地位。荷蘭更正派對於各種不同的信仰極為寬容,甚至允許天主教徒自由居住與謀生,讓重浸派公開聚集,使得此地成為受宗教逼迫之人的避難處,其中也包括了受英國國教逼迫的清教徒,以後移民新大陸的 “五月花”號,多為這批受逼迫者,神也祝福荷蘭,在17世紀初成為海權強國。 (節摘自兩千年召會歷史巡禮)


荷蘭的召會生活在1998年從海牙的兩個家開始,當時的聚會是在家中的客廳。 到了1999年春天,第一場的特會在萊頓(Leiden)舉辦, 邀請了所有水流報的訂閱者參加,當時大約有五位前來。 不久之後,他們便開始與我們聚集,並且也有更多藉著書報及特會接觸的尋求者來。 因著這些尋求者是從各個不同城市前來,因此位於中心位置的“萊頓”,便被選為設立合適召會生活模型的城市。 我們租了一個社區活動中心作為主日聚集的地方。

在2001年底,一處新的召會在 “Ter Aar” 在一的立場裡開始了聚集,不久, 在 “Vlaardingen” 的聖徒也在他們的城市開始了主日聚會。 到了2002年, 荷蘭總共有四處地方召會: Leiden, Ter Aar, Vlaardingen 以及 Almelo。 在最近的 2007年12月16日,第五處金燈臺在 Spakenburg 開始了第一次的主日擘餅。目前,荷蘭總共有五處地方召會,以及大約200位聖徒(包含兒童)。


文字工作方面,我們目前已有15本倪弟兄及李弟兄的著作翻譯成荷蘭文,但是目前仍無法翻譯恢復本聖經。在文字翻譯工作上,我們特別經歷到仇敵持續的攻擊。然而在2007年底,荷語雷瑪卡及系列書報翻譯且印製完成,並準備發放給在荷蘭所有的尋求者。荷語雷瑪書報包括了三個關乎基督徒生活的基本元素的系列(一系列中不只一本書):“神的經綸”、 “包羅萬有的基督”、以及榮耀的召會和生命的認識”…。目前荷蘭召會正積極的準備2008年2月底荷語雷瑪卡的發放。已過已有一次關於雷瑪卡發放的特別聚會,有三位雷瑪工作的弟兄從美國、英國前來,將雷瑪工作的異象傳輸給聖徒。








為了確保主在荷蘭的工作是健康的,我們鼓勵聖徒留在這分職事的說話中,參加錄影訓練及96課訓練。我們也鼓勵聖徒多與鄰近國家的召會有相調,如比利時、德國、法國和英國。冬夏季訓練時我們也差派一班弟兄到安那翰從事口譯的工作,將全部信息譯成荷蘭文,以便讓聖徒在錄影訓練時能藉著他們的母語更容易進入職事的說話。今日主行動的負擔在歐洲,我們也禱告全地所有的聖徒能藉著: “禱告”、 “去”、以及 “給”有分這個蒙福的行動。

*History of the church life in Holland*
The church life started in march 1998 in Den Haag with 2 families in a living room. In spring 1999 the first conference was held in Leiden. Subscribers to the Stream magazine were invited, about 5 of them came. Shortly afterwards they started to meet with us and more seekers were attracted through the literature and the conferences. The seekers were from different cities, thus a central city called Leiden was chosen to set up a proper model for the church life. A community center was rented to have the Lord’s table meetings.

At the end of 2001 a new locality called Ter Aar started to meet on the ground of oneness, not long after that the saints in Vlaardingen started to meet in their city. By 2002 there were 4 localities: Leiden, Ter Aar, Vlaardingen and Almelo. Recently, the 5th lampstand was established in Spakenburg, a small town close to Amersfoort, and we had the first Lord’s table there on December 16th, 2007. Today we have 5 localities with app. 200 saints including children.

*Present move of the Lord in Holland*

Rhema work
Regarding the literature work, we at present have 15 titles both of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee translated into the Dutch language. We have not been able to start translation on the Recovery Version into the Dutch language yet. We have experienced that especially the translation work, has been under constant attack of the enemy. However at the end of last year the Rhema material has become available in the Dutch language, it has been printed and stored in our warehouse and is ready to be distributed among the seekers all over Holland. The Rhema sets consist of volume 1, 2 + 3 of the basic elements of the Christian life: “The economy of God,” “All-inclusive Christ,” “Glorious church and the Knowledge of Life.” Distribution will start in the end of February 2008. There was a special conference concerning the distribution of the Rhema held in October, 2007. Brothers from Rhema, coming from the US and the UK, came to strengthen and fellowship about the vision of the Rhema work to all the saints in Holland.

In the current planning, the distribution of the Dutch Rhema cards will be lasting for 10 years, and three main areas in Holland are considered for the Rhema distribution. Besides, there is an urgent need for financial support. Once the Rhema cards are distributed, we anticipate that there will be a lot of requests for the free Rhema booklets. The Rhema policy is very clear that we first need the money in the bank before we start with the distribution. In this way we can fulfill our promise and ensure that all requested material will be send. The budget for the Dutch distribution of Rhema for 2008 is 20.000 euro and should be in the bank at the end of February. Please stand with us so that the Lord can supply this need.

Campus work
Regarding the campus work, the churches in Holland bought a 4 bedroom apartment in the city of Delft, close to a large technical university, last year October. A family that serves full time moved into this apartment to provide a home for the meetings with the students. We look to the Lord that many students may be gained, especially the local ones for His recovery.

Young people’s work
On Saturday nights we have young people’s meetings spread over the different homes of the saints. Several brothers coordinate to serve them, and the young people are encouraged to write their prophecies and exercise to prophecy in the prophecy meeting on the Lord’s day. Every year an average of 12 young people attend the Young people’s camp in Poland and also to the Winter school of truth in Bower house London.

Closely follow the ministry
To ensure that the Lord’s move in Holland remains healthy, we encourage the saints to be in the ministry, attend the video trainings and also the 96 lessons trainings. We also encourage blending with the saints in nearby countries like Belgium, Germany, France and the UK. Every training a group of brothers is send to Anaheim to take care of the Dutch translation of all the messages, so that the saints are able to listen to the messages during the video trainings in their own language. Since the burden of the Lord’s move is very much towards Europe in these days, we pray that all the saints over the whole earth will participate in this blessed move by: Praying, Going and Giving.