Pray for the Sinhala Translation in Sri Lanka

On 13th of July, we had a visitation to church in Batticaloa which was established on 24th of 2011. We are very encouraged by saints there, after all the co-workers left they continued steadfastly in the teaching and the fellowship of the apostles, in the breaking of bread and the prayers. We brought the Tamil Morning Revival to them, we hope that they can grow and be built up in life by the word of God, as is written in Acts20:28,”—commit you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who have been sanctified.”

Our main burdens in July are preaching the gospel to gentiles and serving the youth.  Through the prayer and laboring on sharing the gospel, many gentiles are open to us, and one sister got baptism. She told us that she was so happy inwardly and knew that God is spirit, not the physical idols, also she had a burden for the salvation of her whole family. Glory to be Father!  The national youth skype meeting have been held for 2 months, often 8 youth attend this skype enjoyment, right now we have established the serving fellowship meeting with 3 local saints.  We really treasure and love all the young ones in this country, may the Lord strengthen all the young saints here, they can see the vision of this age and bear the testimony of Lord’s Recovery. Praise the Lord!

Prayer Burdens:

  1. Pray for the door of gospel can be fully opened in this city, now already many houses are open to us.

  2. Pray for all the youth and the campus work, specially the Lord can gain the key person in university.

  3. Pray for the Sinhala translation, seven Rhema books, Morning Revival and Hymns are undergoing.

from church in Polonnaruwa Sri lanka
