Weekend blending in Red berry lake Bible camp — Saskachewan, Canada

Praise the Lord for this weekend blending of saints from Saskachewan,in Red berry lake Bible camp June 21-23

Saints from Saskatoon,Regina and llyodminster, also few sering saints from Wennipeg.

total about 60adults plus 20some children,whai a sweet blending, we pursue” building up intimate relationship with the Lord” speaking poems” and banner of 2013 MDC

While the weather was terrible, and many were lost at some point, yet everyone made it safely.  It seemed that the wind and rain wanted to distract us from our spirit.  But praise the lord for our spirit!  It was very enjoyable to learn to exercise our spirit.  We saw many saints speaking and exercising who usually are more reserved and quiet.  It is such a blessing to be perfected and trained to be living and functioning!

Check out this video on YouTube:


Joint Lord Table meeting in Red Berry Bible Camp July 23

Check out this video on YouTube:


Saints from Saskatoon,Regina, lloydmister meet in Red Berry Bible Camp SK