Blending Conference in Matupi, Chin State, Myanmar 已发表 2013-06-26 Blending Conference in Matupi, Chin State, Myanmar ! 910 Saints are register to attending but including with the Saints those who are late to not register and attended, altogether total about 1000 Saints blendi…
已发表 2017-03-16 Saints in Taipei, Taiwan Singing “Treasure in Earthen Vessels” 台北圣徒歌唱“瓦器里有宝贝” Saints in Taipei, Taiw […]
已发表 2016-10-26 性格童话绘本简介 | 台湾福音书房 A Brief Introduction of Audio Book for Children concerning Character | Taiwan Gospel Book Room 性格童話繪本—3D擴增實境 AR互動書卡
已发表 2018-10-15 【 刘遂「敬拜父诗歌 第9首《是生命的源头》】花莲市召会(日间班) “Hymn on Worship of the Father-As the Source of Life” Spoken by Liu Suey | The Church in Hualien City (Day-time Perfecting Class) 詩歌應用於擘餅聚會】2018.10.11 […]