One-week trainings at Bower House in London, England (May 6-11, 2013)

conferences- mingling is the way!‘s photo.
Praise the Lord for all the one-week trainings at Bower House in London, England! In May and November of each year new ones, saints, seeking ones, radio listeners, young people, and students from all over Europe and around the world register for ONE WEEK to be trained in the truth! This is a picture from the One Week Training 6-11 May 2013. Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! What a privilege to be trained to Enjoy the Lord, speak the Truth, Build up the Body, and have a proper character to serve the Lord in His Body!
Praise the Lord for all the one-week trainings at Bower House in London, England! In May and November of each year new ones, saints, seeking ones, radio listeners, young people, and students from all over Europe and around the world register for ONE WEEK to be trained in the truth! This is a picture from the One Week Training 6-11 May 2013. Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! What a privilege to be trained to Enjoy the Lord, speak the Truth, Build up the Body, and have a proper character to serve the Lord in His Body!