Bibles for Canada – Bible Distribution in Mohawk 在加拿大莫霍克發送聖經 已发表 2013-03-01 with volunteers going out and reaching to the American People with the Bible! — Bible Distribution in America (5 photos) Bibles for Canada – Bible Distribution in McMaster – 187 Bibles given out, with 71 wanting further contact
已发表 2012-05-09 波蘭May Lord raise up a new lampstand in a city in north Poland near Gdansk The Lord’s move in Pol […]
已发表 2018-09-06 Lord’s Table Meeting with the New College Students at Central English Meeting District, Montreal, Canada 加拿大蒙特利尔中央英文区与大一新生一起聚擘饼聚会 Lord’s table mee […]