Gospel Trip to Lubbock, TX | WeMigrate 拉伯克德克薩斯州

Lubbock, TX

Today is the last day of our gospel trip to Lubbock. We have experienced the Lord’s blessing during these past two weeks, which concluded with our spending some sweet times of fellowship with the local saints. Last night, we had dinner and a singing time with the students who are in the church life. They asked us to share what brought us to FTTA and/or our experience of the training. We were all very much encouraged and refreshed.

This morning, at the prophesying meeting, the saints asked us to share about what our experience of the trip had been. One thing that was consistent in our sharing was the effectiveness of the Word. We all felt we had experienced Hebrews 4:12 firsthand—the Word is living and operative! The aspect of everyone functioning in the Bible studies was also mentioned repeatedly, and afterwards a sister testified with tears that she had never realized how much everyone functioned until it was brought up in these testimonies. Praise the Lord for all He’s doing in Lubbock!

Prayer burdens:

That the saints in Lubbock will receive much grace and strengthening from the Lord to continue laboring on and off the campus for the building up of the Body.

That the campus work at Texas Tech will result in more functioning members being added to the church.

via Lubbock, TX—Gospel Trip, Days 14-17 | WeMigrate.