Grand Rapids, MI—Gospel Trip, Days 14-16 | WeMigrate

Grand Rapids, MI

Hallelujah for the gospel trip here in Grand Rapids! We had the utmost blessing from the Lord during this gospel trip. The time we had here didn’t feel like a labor at all. It was just the overflowing of the riches of Christ.

On Friday (2/8/13) we had four different home meetings. One of the home meetings spontaneously became a prayer meeting that really supplied the saints with the Lord’s abundant grace. In another home meeting, two new ones from the local community college were able to join us. We got into the mystery of human life. The new ones were really impressed that we need to focus on the dispensing and spreading of God within us.

On Saturday (2/9/13) we had another Bible seminar. Three new ones came. They all really enjoyed getting into the Word of God together. One of the new ones was actually contacted last year and came through an email invitation. All three new ones wanted to continue to have local Bible studies. Many saints also went out to door-knock, and many positive homes were contacted.

via Grand Rapids, MI—Gospel Trip, Days 14-16 | WeMigrate.