Murfreesboro, TN—Gospel Trip, Days 12-14 | WeMigrate

Murfreesboro, TN

The sowing events began on the Middle Tennessee State University campus this week. The situation here is such that most of the students we meet already have some Christian background or familiarity with the Bible.

We have established second meetings with some of the students that we met on the gospel or at the BfA table on campus. We are really burdened for the necessary connections to be made between the ones we meet and the local saints. This can be one of the most difficult areas, but is one of the most crucial for follow-up. Once the trainees or serving ones on the gospel team establish second meetings, we invite one of the local saints to join us in those times so these new ones can be bridged.

via Murfreesboro, TN—Gospel Trip, Days 12-14 | WeMigrate.