FTTA saints visit churches in Brazil — Gospel Team (in Goiânia e Brasília).

FTTA saints visit churches in Brazil !
Time do Evangelho. FTTA Gospel Team (in Goiânia e Brasília).  - @[7957853:2048:Joanne Hung], @[9632448:2048:Abigail Cousins], @[100003370822215:2048:Jeferson Dias] (Brasília), @[610130862:2048:Gustavo Garza], me (Brasília), @[1398781656:2048:Jacob Hwang], @[2419360:2048:David Stehura], and @[43900008:2048:Rachel Priscilla Acosta] (Takinig the Picture - Tirando a foto). Time to return to Goiânia - Volta para Goiânia; Feb.07, 2013.) Thanks for comming, thanks for your love to the Lord, thanks for your love to the Church, thanks for the hearty card for our family. I thank the Lord for you beeing used by Him.
Time do Evangelho. FTTA Gospel Team (in Goiânia e Brasília).
Brazil saints blend with visting FTTA saints at home meetings !
Dia 4 de fevereiro, segunda feira à noite.
Dia 4 de fevereiro, segunda feira à noite.