Follow-up and shepherd the contacts from the bible distribution in the UK

Follow-up and shepherding of the new ones from the New Testament Recovery Version distribution

A group of 107 trainees from the FTTA, including the Boston extension, will be in Europe from 24 January to 7 February. The purpose of their visit will be to help with the follow-up of the recent New Testament Recovery Version distribution in the UK and other European countries. They will be joined by trainees from the FTTL. The majority will be in London and the nearby churches, and some will go to France, Germany, and Spain. Please pray:
That the Lord will bless the labor by setting up many appointments and Bible studies with the Recovery Version recipients.
That the Lord will reap a bountiful harvest wherever the seed of His word is sown.

View the detailed report from Jan 29 here.

View the detailed report from Jan 26 here.