First Term of Full-time Training in Pretoria, South Africa 比勒陀利亞

Posted by: Africa Area of the World: Africa

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After many years of fellowship and prayer with the co-workers in the Lord’s recovery, we are pleased to announce that the first term of the Full-time Training in Pretoria (FTTP), South Africa, has been scheduled to begin on the 4th of March, 2013, and will conclude on the 29th of June, 2013. FTTP is a 2-year training consisting of 4 terms of 4 ½ months each.

FTTP will be the first training center on the continent of Africa and is intended to serve the young seekers of the Lord in the churches in Africa who are willing to offer themselves to be trained to be useful vessels for the Lord’s interest and move on this continent and on the whole earth.

We are expecting between 12 and 15 trainees to begin in 2013. There are already 14 approved applicants. We anticipate that the first group of trainees will be primarily from within South Africa. We are expecting to receive trainees from the rest of Africa in future terms.

The training will be carried out in the church in Pretoria’s facilities, which consist of dormitory space, classrooms, and offices, etc. In addition to some re-arrangement and furnishing of these facilities, we will need to carry out some renovations and construct a suitable kitchen to serve the training.

We expect that the training will be carried out by visiting brothers who serve in the FTTA and other training centers along with local brothers here in South Africa.

Please stand with us in prayer:

  • That the Lord would fill up the number of trainees with additional suitable applicants, and would strengthen and supply those already accepted, as some are encountering opposition because of their decision to attend.
