Glorious Lord’s Table meeting in 聖路易斯 (San Luis Obispo, CA)

Update from San Luis Obispo, CA

March 19, 2012 San Luis Obispo, CAThe Lord is Good!

The labor is progressing on Cal Poly campus in a steady way gaining more and more ground with each of the students as we have more individual and group times with them.
As most of you know we now have the Steinberg’s fully moved here and this is affording us to increase our labor in both the campus work and community work.
The following is our present schedule of meetings and fellowship times:
1) Lord’s Day we meet from 10am to 12noon for our Table meeting and Prophesying meeting. Four of our saints living in Santa Maria (Orcutt area) try to join us every other week and then meet in their area every other week.
2) Monday evening we have a home meeting every other week in Santa Maria.
3) Tuesday evening we have a home meeting in Atascadero every week.
4) Wednesday evening we have our prayer meeting in SLO.
5) Thursday is our main day for one on one meetings on the campus but we also make appointments for other times during the week.
6) Friday has been our time for campus meeting.
7) Saturday evening has been our college dinner and fellowship.
— pray for all the above meetings
— pray for our upcoming time with college students from Riverside coming to blend with us.
— pray for more and more seeing of God’s Economy for each of the students.
— pray for upcoming open house on campus where many high school students will be checking out Cal Poly (we will have a table     set up for this event).
Glorious Lord’s Table meeting in SLO. Saints from San Diego, Irvine, Torrance, Huntington Beach, South Bay, Fresno, Burlingame, S.F…are all blended as one body.