70年代,主在德國Freiburg (弗萊堡) 興起第一處的召會

最喜樂的事是我們已拿到德文新約恢復本聖經,相信主還要得著更多尋求祂話的人。在歐洲興起祂剛強明亮的見證。最後代柏林召會向您們問安。也歡迎聖徒們來柏林相調。 全文



以過五月份,在南德的Neckarzimmer有一個榮耀的全德語聖徒相調特會。這次特會進入2008年感恩節特會的信息: 耶穌的見證。為著主在德國各城市興起金燈台,作為耶穌的見證,弟兄們在交通中有個特別的負擔,盼望聖徒移民到德國的首都柏林,以加強主在當地的見證。弟兄 見證在1987年歐洲召會風波之後,主奇妙的興起在英國倫敦的召會,把聖徒聚集相調在一起,使主在歐洲的行動能繼續往前。今日為著主在德語世界的見證,主 也必須先得著一個戰略性的城市 – 柏林,作召會擴展的中心。在特會前負責弟兄們的交通禱告中,聖靈強烈的應證弟兄們裡面的負擔。在特會中,藉著身體的交通和聖靈的工作,許多聖徒更新的奉獻 自己,渴慕作移民的得勝者。特會後的一個多月,已經有一個家移民到柏林。另外有五個家和五至六位的單身聖徒迫切尋求移民到柏林的機會。他們週週藉著電話, 來在一起交通禱告,為這個負擔彼此激勵同往前。我們何等喜樂看見這是主在德語世界行動的一大步;神經綸的大輪要在這裡快速的往前!

70年代,主在德國Freiburg (弗萊堡) 興起第一處的召會,之後在Stuttgart (司徒加特)興起召會的見證。李弟兄在論到主在德國的見證時曾說: 若主在台島的見證像旭日東昇,那德國的見證就是日正當中。雖然1987年召會風波之後,仇敵幾乎徹底拆毀了主在德國和整個歐洲的見證。但在主主宰的保守 中,一些忠信的聖徒繼續擔負主在德國的見證。再經過看似寒冬的二十年後,主正七倍加強祂在司圖加特召會的見證! 目前司徒加特召會主日聚會的聖徒約有二十多位,青少年人數就占了半數以上,真是滿了盼望! 在幾個家同心禱告和配搭中,聖徒更實際的被帶進召會生活和建造裡。不久之前,剛有一位在這個城市住了七前的華人姊妹受浸得救。這姊妹見證說這七年來,她一 直在尋找聚會的地方,但一直沒有裡面的平安;所以她只能藉著一些關於聖經的屬靈材料和信息,維持她與主的交通。感謝主的憐憫! 藉著身體的交通,這姊妹的表姊連絡上在司徒加特召會的聖徒,而立即從加拿大趕來將這位姊妹帶來主日聚會。那天主日聚會後,聖徒喜樂的齊聚一堂,禱告唱詩, 將這位姊妹浸入父、子、聖靈的名裡。這是在基督身體裡結的果子,也是司徒加特召會繁茂復活春天的序曲,哈利路亞!

在我們居住的大學城市Heidelberg (海德堡) 和 Freiburg (弗萊堡),聖靈也細細的搜尋失落的銀幣。藉著發送Rhema卡,主帶領我們接觸許多敞開的德國青年學生,我們也藉著e-mail 和他們固定保持聯繫。目前已經有一位會說流利中文的德國學生,週週來參加我們的讀經小組;也有其他幾位對聖經有興趣的德國學生(幾乎都是主裡的弟兄姊 妹),和我們一同讀經或到家中用餐聚集。主也特別憐憫一些中國的留學生,甚至是從回教世界來的學者,陸續在這裡受浸得救,過正常的召會生活。盼望主藉著在 這裡Rhema卡的發送和RSG的實行,能帶進更多渴慕追求主話的青年人。最後我們很喜樂的和你們交通,在主的保守和配搭德文文字工作聖徒的勞苦下,德文 新約恢復版聖經翻譯已近完成,預計在2010年夏天校稿後,付梓印刷;2010年冬季訓練時,就能正式發行。願主得著祂在德語世界的見證,為著基督身體的 建造,預備迎接祂的回來,阿們!

1. 德文新約恢復版聖經的翻譯工作和聖徒同心合意的配搭。
2. 聖徒移民到柏林召會的行動和召會見證的加強。
3. 司徒加特召會的見證和召會的繁增。
4. 主在海德堡和弗萊堡,得著許多渴慕主話的青年學生。


Dear saints,

May the peace and joy be with you all.
We thank you for remembering us often in your prayers. And through your petition and the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, all the circumstances turn out to be our salvation. We would like, through the fellowship of this letter, to testify with you the Lord’s present move in Germany, including the migration of the German saints to Berlin, the blessing on the church in Stuttgart, and the Lord´s move in some other cities where we live.
In the past May, we had a glorious German-speaking blending conference in Neckarzimmer, south Germany. The messages of the conference were taken from the 2008 Thanksgiving Day Conference titled “the Testimony of Jesus.” In order that golden lampstands be raised up in all the cities of Germany as the testimony of Jesus, the brothers had a particular burden in their fellowship that the saints move to Germany´s capital city, Berlin and strengthen the testimony there. One brother testified that after the turmoil in 1987, the Lord wonderfully raised up the church in London in the UK and blended the saints together so that the Lord can continue His move in Europe. Today for the Lord´s testimony in the German-speaking world, the Lord must at first capture the strategic city, Berlin, as the center for the church spreading. In the fellowship and praying of the responsible brothers before the conference, the Holy Spirit strongly confirmed the burden in them. Again in the meetings, through the fellowship of the Body and the working of the Holy Spirit, many saints re-consecrated themselves, desiring to be overcomers through migration. One month later after the conference, one family already moved to Berlin. 5 more families and 5 to 6 single saints are desperately seeking opportunities to move to Berlin. Every week, these saints fellowship and pray with one another on telephone, encouraging one another to press forward. How joyful we see the Lord´s one big step in the German speaking world! The wheel of God´s economy moves forward here at full speed.
In 1971, the Lord raised up the first local church in Germany in Freiburg and then in Stuttgart in 1976. Br. Lee remarked once regarding the Lord´s testimony in Germany that if the Lord´s testimony in Taiwan is compared with the rising sun, the testimony in Germany is then like the midday sun. Even though in 1987 the enemy pretty much tore down the Lord´s testimony in Germany and even across Europe, the Lord kept a few faithful families under His sovereignty, which have continued to bear the Lord´s testimony in Germany. After 20 year seemingly “long, cold winter,” He is now strengthening seven fold His testimony of the Church in Stuttgart. There are about 20 or more saints in the Lord´s table meeting in Stuttgart, and more than half of them are young people. Full of hope! Through the prayers and coordination of several families in one accord, many saints are more in reality brought into the church life and the building-up. Not long ago, a Chinese-speaking contact who has lived in Stuttgart for seven years got baptized. She has been always seeking a church, yet never found one according to the peace within her. She could maintain the fellowship with the Lord only through some spiritual materials related to the Bible. Thank the Lord for His mercy. Through the fellowship of the Body, the cousin of the newly baptized sister got connected with the saints in Stuttgart and flew to Stuttgart and brought the sister to the Lord´s table meeting. On that day after the Lord´s table meeting, we baptized the sister into the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit while rejoicing with prayers and hymns. In the Body of Christ was this fruit born, the overture for the spring of the flourishing resurrection. Hallelujah!
In the cities, Freiburg and Heidelberg, where we live, the Holy Spirit also seeks carefully the lost coins. Through the Rhema card distribution, the Lord led us into contact with many open young German students. We keep in touch with them via email. A German student, who is interested in Chinese language, comes to our Bible study group week after week. Several German students, who are interested in the Bible, came as well to join the Bible study group (RSG) and dined with us in our home. The Lord has mercy also particularly on some Chinese students and even scholars from the Muslim world, who got baptized one after another and have lived a normal church life here. May the Lord bring in more young people who are thirsty for and seeking the Lord´s word. After all we gladly fellowship with you that the translation work of the New Testament recovery version is soon to be completed under the Lord´s protection and with the laboring of the coworkers. The New Testament recovery version in German is scheduled to be proof read in summer 2010 and then will be printed. It will be then announced and published in the 2010 winter training. May the Lord gain His testimony in the German speaking world for the building-up of the Body of Christ, to be prepared to bring Him back. Amen!

May the saints pray for the listed burdens:
1. The translation work of the New Testament recovery version in German and the coordination in one accord.
2. The migration of the saints to Berlin and the strengthening of the testimony there.
3. The testimony of the Church in Stuttgart and its multiplication.
4. May the Lord gain many word-seeking young students in Heidelberg and Freiburg.

Abundance in the Lord´s grace,
Your Chinese speaking saints in Germany.