First dinner blending of two brothers’ houses in Boston 波斯頓 已发表 2012-12-05 Joseph Lee‘s photo. First dinner blending of two brothers’ houses in Boston !
已发表 2019-11-19 【李常受弟兄鼓励青年人在大学毕业后摆上两年,全时间为着主!】【Brother Witness Lee Encourage the Young People to Take Two Years’ Full Time Trainning for Lord after Graduation】 如果你想全時間,從大專院校畢業後或其它事務結 […]
已发表 2016-12-20 FTT-Malabon Trainees Singing for the Couple during Their Signing of the Marriage Contract 菲律宾马拉闵训练学员为立定婚约的夫妇唱诗 Some trainees (FTT-Mal […]