Distribution of Recovery version in UK – Bibles for Europe

Distribution of Recovery version in UK
Bible for Europe

The distribution of the NT Recovery Version will continue in the UK during the 2012 Olympic Games until the end of the Paralympic Games on September 9.

There were over 60,000 bibles handed out to date with over 60% of the bible recipients requested for further contact.

For reports on the progress of the distribution and for details on how to participate by praying, giving, and going, please consult the following web site: http://distribute.biblesforeurope.org

  • Please continue to pray.

Bus Driver was one among 7 in Wembley Park that stopped on the road risking their jobs to receive a bible. The passengers of each bus were in awe and amazement as were all of us as this wonderful scene. What a testimony

Let’s join the bible distribution in UK by praying, giving and going !
following the Olympic torch in June 2012 in Scotland, Free Study Bible distribution – volunteers
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