Midwest Summer College Training – About 140 lovers of Jesus

Wonderful 2012 Midwest Summer College Training !

Here is a brief snapshot of a wonderful week of pursuing and gaining the Lord Jesus with 140 lovers of Jesus. Lord Jesus, we love You!

2012 West Coast College Training

Every year, there are three college trainings in North America; on the west coast, Midwest, and east coast. Quite a few college saints from the Lower Mainland attended the West Coast college training this year. The training took place in Occidental, California from July 9 – 15. This year, the topic is “The Course of the Church”. Throughout the training, there are four lines of messages that the college saints would cover. The first morning line is titled: “Receiving the Word of God”. The second morning line is titled: “ Lessons Concerning the Human Spirit”. The third morning line is titled: “Fellowship to College Students on the Practice of the God-Ordained Way”. The evening line is titled: “The Course of the Church”.

This week of training is to constitute the college-aged saints with the word of God. This time, they learned and studied Revelation 2-3, which covers the seven local churches; representing the church history after the age of the apostles. They were also given the opportunity to memorize Revelation chapter 2 and 3. The messages in the morning lines cover certain essential items for these young believers’ Christian living. This first line speaks of having a morning time with the Lord. The second line speaks of the human spirit; and the third line speaks of how to go on in their respective campuses. Praise the Lord for such an opportunity for the young people to be trained to become useful vessels for God’s economy! Read More >>>

Let’s run the course of the Church !