FTTA Winter 2012 Gospel Trip Summary | Living to Him

FTTA Winter 2012 Gospel Trip Summary

Purpose: To preach the gospel and announce the truth in the work of propagation, to experience the fulltime life and service outside the training center, to be broadened in our view of the Lord’s need, to testify concerning the Full-time Training and to encourage young people to join the FTT, and to coordinate and blend with the local churches

Europe (85 trainees, including 23 from FTTA-Extension Boston)January 26 – February 9

  • France: 7 participants
  • Germany: 13 participants
  • Ireland, Northern Ireland: 7 participants
  • Italy: 11 participants
  • Norway, Sweden, Finland: 8 participants
  • Spain: 16 participants
  • Switzerland: 10 participants
  • The Netherlands: 6 participants
  • United Kingdom: 14 participants

South Africa (10 trainees)January 27 – February 13

  • Pretoria: 12 participants

South America (20 trainees)January 27 – February 13

  • Bolivia: 5 participants
  • Brazil: 5 participants
  • Chile: 3 participants
  • Ecuador: 7 participants

Note: There are 23 other saints registered for South America through RBSA.

Via FTTA Winter 2012 Gospel Trip Summary | Living to Him.