Saints in Coquitlam came to blend with the church in Richmond 溫哥華列治文召会

Hallelujah! the meeting hall passed the final building inspection on

July 6, 2012! Read more>>

A Blending with the church in Coquitlam

On July 1, 2012, more than 80 saints from the church in Coquitlam came to blend with the church in Richmond.

The total attendance on that Lord’s day was about 500 saints, gathered before the Lord’s table to remember the Lord and worship the Father.

Read more>>

地址: 加拿大 列治文召会,4460 Brown Rd, Richmond, B.C. Canada V6X 2EB
报名: 鼓励圣徒网上报名,网址:; 不便上网者,请将填妥之报
名表,于七月一日前寄送The Church in Richmond或传真至(604) 232-4406
住宿: 接待或自行安排
餐费: 美金六十元(在学圣徒减半),材料费:美金十元
会所电话: (604) 232-4406