Bible distribution at Harvard Square, USA 美國哈佛廣場 已发表 2012-07-18 Dan Liu‘s photo. Praise the Lord for His bible distribution at Harvard Square, USA ! BFA table on Saturday noon~
已发表 2015-12-21 Brother Yu’s Special Fellowship on the Lord’s Day in the Church of New York 余弟兄紐約召會主日特別交通
已发表 2019-09-20 Stanford Christian Students Singing Hymns in Group Meeting 斯坦福基督徒学生在福音聚会中唱诗歌 Stanford Christian Stu […]
已发表 2017-11-01 开南大学生命真理社迎新烤肉相调 KNU Life and Truth Society BBQ Blending for Welcoming the Freshmen 「開南大學生命真理社迎新烤肉相調」20171 […]