Hallelujah for village blending conference in Ghana !加納非洲 已发表 2012-07-11 Hallelujah for village blending conference in Ghana ! Village Blending Conference in Ghana www.youtube.com In January 2006 a friend and I traveled to Ghana to be with a group of dear Christians there standing on the ground of oneness and meeting as the church. Thi…
已发表 2017-09-25 9/25/17-10/1/17 International Prayer Burdens 全球祷告负担(二〇一七年九月25日至十月1日) 9/25/17- 10/1/17 Inte […]
已发表 2018-01-29 1/29/18-2/4/18 International Prayer Burdens 全球祷告负担(二〇一八年一月29日至二月4日) 1/29/18- 2/4/18 Intern […]