Strength campus work in San Luis Obispo, CA 聖路易斯

We continue to experience the Lord’s blessing here in San Luis Obispo. We had about a dozen students on spring break from UC Riverside come join our Cal Poly new ones late last month for a time of blending. This marked the first time for many of our students to be blended with others from another campus. We had shared earlier with our students how important it is to enjoy and release the Lord in our spirit, but now the dear ones from UC Riverside “demonstrated” such a release and enjoyment, especially in their singing. What a blessing it is to blend and receive the help from the Body. Our students got a real taste and they enjoyed it!
Good news—as an answer to a prayer request from our report last month, a sister was offered and has accepted a fulltime position working in orthotics here in San Luis Obispo! She and her husband are scheduled to move from San Diego to San Luis Obispo in mid-June. By the Lord’s supply, they even have a condominium waiting for them when they get here. We really look forward to having this young burdened couple join us. Their coming will increase the number of saints’ households in the city of San Luis Obispo to a total of four.

Please join us in praying for:

  1. Pray for us and our students that the Lord would be our wisdom for when and how to contact the 42 high school seniors and transfer students who signed up at our booth during Cal Poly’s Open House event earlier this month. Most will be coming to Cal Poly this fall.
  2. With only six weeks of instruction remaining before summer break, pray that we could continue with the ones He has given us to infuse the Lord’s vision into them and to inoculate them against the enemy’s stratagems. Lord, make these last weeks count for your eternal purpose!
  3. Pray that the So’s transitioning and move to San Luis Obispo will be covered in every way.