International Conference in Dublin, Ireland- 25 to 26 August

All saints coming to the conference are requested to register by Monday, 13th August, 2012. The registration will take place via an online form. Families will need to fill in an online form for each member of the family. If you are not able to register online please ask the coordinating saints in your area to assist you.

We are thankful to the Lord and would like to warmly extend an invitation to all the churches to participate in the forthcoming International Conference in Dublin, Ireland to be held from 25th to 26th August, 2012. The Conference will be held at the O’ Callaghan Alexander Hotel, Merrion Square, Dublin 2. We encourage the saints to gather together for time of feasting and enjoyment, profitable for the blending and the universal building up of the Body of Christ, to bring back our Lord.

Please pray that the Lord will richly bless this time together.

Yours in His recovery,