黎巴嫩Prayer Burdens related to Lebanon and the Middle East

All 60 students were very attentive the entire time. After the half hour presentation on the three parts of man and the meaning of the universe, the students asked seeking questions like: How can I talk to God? How do I know I am using my spirit? How can God live in me? It was obvious to us that the prayer prepared the hearts of these young people. We were so warmly welcomed that both classes requested another time together. Two other philosophy professors heard of the students’ response and requested that the same presentation be given in their classes in a few weeks.

We thank and praise the Lord that through the prayer of the Body of Christ, the Lord delivered the Rhema book shipment to our distribution center in Beirut in spite of the many logistical frustrations. Praise the exalted and victorious Christ on the throne!

Your fellow enjoyers,
The church in Beirut

Please continue to pray:

  • That the Lord will keep the door wide open for the gospel of the kingdom to be preached at this university and that no man will shut this door.
  • That the Lord will arrange the appointed time to share the gospel with the classes of the other two professors.
  • That the hearts of the students will be softened by the Lord to receive His word and be brought to Him in salvation.
  • That the newly saved couple in Batroon (1 hour north of Beirut) will continue to progress in the faith through their pray-reading and reading His Word, and that the matter of baptism will become to them a wonderful revelation.
  • That the saints in Beirut will realize and grow into the experience of shepherding others in life.
