非洲肯亞特會Conference in Nairobo Kenya (April 17-18, 2012) 已发表 2012-04-20 Please pray that: The Lord will use the conference on the 17th and 18th of April in Nairobi to strengthen the churches in Kenya. From: http://beseeching.org/regions/6/
已发表 2018-07-27 二〇一八年全台高中一周成全训练蒙恩回顾(新北场)(召会通讯第161期) 2018 Retrospect of One Week Full-Time Training for Teenager in the Church of New Taipei City, Taiwan| ChurchNews Issue No.161 全台高中一周成全训练蒙恩回顾(新北场)—第1 […]