十七會所高中弟兄姊妹之家 已发表 2012-03-20 十七會所高中弟兄姊妹之家 十七會所高中弟兄姊妹之家上個學期共有十二位學生入住,其中有四位當時尚未信主。弟兄姊妹自然的向他們作見證,加上每日一同晨興、讀經,生命的種子在他們裏面發芽長大,他們便相繼得救。 繼續閱讀
已发表 2024-11-26 2024.11.24Morning Revival Perfecting for the Responsible Ones in the District on the Lord’s Day—Church Burden 2024.11.24 主日区负责晨兴成全—召会负担 Resource:https://youtu […]
已发表 2017-05-09 彰投区众召会相调暨二林召会成立聚会与福音游行 Meeting for the Establishing of the Church in Erling and for the Blending of the Churches in Changhua-Nantou and the Gospel Parade Source: https://www.fa […]