125 saints joined the conference in Dubai in the beginning of this month. There were saints coming from Hong Kong, US, Singapore, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Slovenia, New Zealand, Peru, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Lebanon, Turkey, India, the Philippines and UAE. The burden of this conference was also on the Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery – Truth, Life, the Church and the Gospel. These messages were a big encouragement to the scattered saints in this difficult part of the world. Saints in GCC are mostly from India and the Philippines. Surprisingly there are twenty saints in the conference who are former trainees from the Full-time training in Malabon, Philippines. They play a very important role in the spreading of the Lord’s testimony in this region. They are job taking full-timers. May the Lord strengthen them and all the saints in GCC through the prayer and fellowship of His organic Body.
Людмила Морозова‘ […]
Prayer Burdens – Week […]
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