Hank Hanegraaff, the “Bible Answer Man”, speaks about Christian Students 校园福音

For your convenience and use, if you so choose, we have also created a playlist which automatically plays Video #1 and Video #3 in consecutive, seamless order: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZ6GUTbkHkE&list=PL63819BB271D63D99&feature=plpp_play_all

In case you missed it, last semester Christian Students hosted Hank Hanegraaff, host of the nationally syndicated “Bible Answer Man” program. Watch what Hank had to share about the Christian Students campus ministry! Christian Students is associated with Christian Students campus ministries at USC, UCLA, CSUN, and other campuses nationally and internationally.


Hank Hanegraaff, the “Bible Answer Man” at the Christian Research Institute, speaking on behalf of the Christian Students club at USC. Hank describes the Chr…

Last, both Video #1 and Video #3 will remain hosted on our USC Christian Students YouTube channel for SEO purposes. However, we can make those original files available to you via Dropbox if you prefer to host it on your own YouTube channel or Vimeo account.

Your students and saints can do the following to help promote and spread the Christian Students Video #1:

  • If a Facebook user:
    • Go to our USC Christian Students wall (http://www.facebook.com/christianstudents?sk=wall) and “Like” the Hank video.
    • Saints are also encouraged to “share” the video (Note: to “share” the video simply means to hit the “share” button next to the video so the post reappears in its entirety on your wall)
  • If a Twitter user:
  • If a Google+ user:
  • At your discretion, for all saints solidly meeting with us: to do a Google search for “Christian Students cult” and click on the Hank Hanegraaff video which currently appears as the 4th search result. Our goal is to push the Hank video to the top of the results. Please instruct your saints TO NOT CLICK ON ANY OTHER SEARCH RESULTS as that perpetuates those negative results.