The Word increases, multiplies, and prevails in Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亞 已发表 2011-12-19 Halleluja for the Body in Africa.. The Word increases, multiplies, and prevails in Ethiopia Ethiopia ’07 (part 2) Trip to Africa
已发表 2016-03-01 孟加拉全国众召会进入牧养成全阶段 The Churches across Bangladesh Having Entered into the Stage of Shepherding and Perfecting Saints 孟加拉全国进入牧养成全阶段 为着祂这个 […]
已发表 2016-09-26 9/26/16-10/2/16 International Prayer Burdens 全球祷告负担 (二〇一六年九月26日至十月2日) 9/26/16-10/2/16 Inter […]