日本聖徒傳來的信- 請繼續在主裡為我們禱告

首先,我們稱頌和聖化主耶和華在寶座上,允許這種史無前例的大地震發生在日本。我們感謝所有的關心和來自基督的代禱。我們請求你們繼續在主裡為我們禱告。 請為著主的旨意完成, 讓主的話安慰所有的日本人, 使他們的心轉向主, 並轉向傳揚不可震動之國福音的奔跑白馬。

第二, 請繼續為著主的手保守日本的聖徒, 特別是仙台的聖徒, 那裏有一位從休士頓到日本教英文的弟兄, 我們還沒有聽到他報平安的消息,其他的聖徒都已經確認都很安全, 但他們目前還是過著很難民的生活。
第三, 請繼續禱告, 求主掌權控制環境; 尤其是 核能發電廠洩漏, 以及日後預測七級以上的大餘震和海嘯。
我們只是信託那是首先的和也是末後的, 並從死人中復活的那位 (啟示錄 2:8)。


Seiki Tanada
Kohei Katsumata


First of all, we exult and sanctify the Sovereign Lord who is in on the throne and allowed this unprecedented earthquake happen in Japan. We are grateful to all the concerns and prayers of the Body. We ask you to continue to pray in the Lord for us.

Please pray firstly for the will of the Lord to be done, for the Lord to speak the word of comfort to all the people in japan and turn their heart to God of all, and for a white horse run to preach the gospel of the unshakable kingdom of God.

Secondly, please pray for the Lord’s keeping hand preserve all the saints in Japan, especially saints in Sendai仙台. There is still one brother, who is from Huston teaching English there, whom safety confirmation we have not yet heard. Rest of saints have been confirmed their safety, yet some of them are still having a refuge life without lifeline.

Thirdly, please pray for the Lord’s sovereign hand to control over the environment, especially over the safety extrication of the nuclear power stations, the expected huge aftershocks (M7.0 above is expected in few days), and its afterward tsunami.

We just trust in the One who is the First and the Last, who became dead and lived again (Rev.2:8).

Your brother in Him,
Seiki Tanada
Kohei Katsumata

Sukon Chumreonlert <spchumr@yahoo.com>

Date: March 14, 2011 1:44:24 AM CDT

Subject: Re: Concern and care

I am in Thailand till May 7 and will see you at Memorial Conf. According to the posting in FB this morning, it said David was found in the shelter and was in good spirit and good health, but no confirmation from David yet. Anyway, thank the Lord for His mercy, but still need to pray for the rest of the saints in Japan especially Sendai.

Praise Him,


A Letter from Bro Hiroo Suzuki ,Church in Tokyo
We really appreciate your prayer and concern for the saints and the churches in Japan
Hiroo Suzuki
The saints in Tokyo are all fine. Brother Hwuan also is fine. But the meeting hall of church in Tokyo seems to be damaged. There are a lot of cracks on the wall of the meeting hall. We will check it with the help of experts. But we can still use it. Please pray that our meeting hall will be recovered fully.

Sendai, a city in northeast Japan
As for the northeast part of Japan, they suffered serious damage. Now it is said that over 13,000 people were killed mainly by the tsunami. We are now checking whether the saints in the northeast part are fine or not. There are about 20 saints in Sendai. So far there is only one sister whom we have notcontacted yet. All the other saints, including one American brother and some Chinese saints, are safe. But some saints still live in shelters, and it may last for a while. Please pray that the one missing sister will be found safe soon and that the saints in Sendai and the northeast part of Japan will be encouraged by the Lord to gain and experience Christ more in this hard environment. May the Lord preserve their spirit, soul, and body complete.

Nuclear power plants
A nuclear power plant near Sendai was seriously damaged, and there is a danger that we may be exposed to radiation. Please pray that the Japanese government and the electric power company will be able to control the nuclear power plants and keep them under full control so that we may not be exposed to radiation.

We really appreciate the prayer of the Body of Christ. We are very much encouraged by your prayer and concern for Japan. Now it is the time for the gospel, the white horse, to run all over Japan to conquer Japan! Please pray that the gospel of kingdom will reach all the people in Japan!